fascia and body

5 Videos that Explain “What is Fascia?”

Fascia is a network of tissue that spans the entire body and helps segment our body into muscle systems, bone systems, ligaments, tendons, organs and anything else I’ve missed. Fascia is everywhere and plays a role in everything.


Video 1: Thomas Myers – Fascia 101 (link)

No discussion of fascia is complete without introducing Thomas Myers. This guy is on the leading edge of the investigation into this ignored and poorly-understood network of connections. In this video, he breaks down what fascia is.

Fascia is “Certain sheets of biological fabric inside the body. […] Your body is held together by a net […] bags within bags within bags within bags all the way down to the cellular level.”

Video 2: Fascia Magnified 25x (link)

A great start to your investigation of fascia. See what the stuff looks like!

Video 3: Ronelle Wood on “Touching Light”, a book on Myofascial Release (link)

This is an outstanding video that digs into unexplored areas of human health. Ronelle does a wonderful job of explaining the fight-or-flight memory of fascial networks, and how we can use fascial release techniques to release “saved” stress chemical patterns. Excellent, thought-provoking video.

Video 4: Thomas Myers – Why does Massage Hurt (link)

Tom Myers gives some color to how fascial adhesions prevent movement and why massage hurts.

Video 5: Anatomy Trains – Tom Myers Full Interview (link)

Ready for more? Here are 50 minutes of Tom Myers talking about fascia! Enjoy. Well worth your time.



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